THANK YOU to those who picked up a kit at the December meeting. Here are the instructions to make the backpack. They are due at the March meeting. Drawstrings will be added later.  If you have questions, please email Joanne Gerst at


Hope Lutheran Backpack Instructions
Hope Lutheran Backpack .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [932.0 KB]

2024 Charity Projects

NOTE:  Donations of fabric, quilt tops, and unfinished quilts may be accepted or rejected by Committee Chair and Co-chairs according to need and space available.  All other donations may be used at Guild fund raising events such as Garage Sales, etc. and stored by donator.   If we find we are in need of fabric or tops a call will be sent out.  We know how generous our Guild members are but we do not have the space to store all that is given.

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© Gallatin Quilt Guild